Author Archives: briffany

We made Gouda!!!


ok so this post is overdue… were bad…. I make no appologies… YOLO!!! Shoot me I just said yolo. Anyway, let me give you the run down. About 2 weeks ago we set out to make a gouda. I have to admit that after our mozzarella failure I have been a little scared.
So here is the run down:

so first we were all like…


and then it was


one mould later …..


add a little brine…


ok now the fun part.


and TADAAAA!!!! This cheese was AMAZING… Seriously we were kinda expecting something to go wrong and the fact that it tasted amazing made my day. Next up were ganna try  a little mozzarella and maybe some riccotta…. Will update soon

Amazing Announcment!!!


Ok, check this out, not only have I got a local farm to let me have some un-pasteurized, straight from the cow milk, but Get this I’m gonna get to…….. milk the cow myself. Gonna bring the camera, this should be entertaining. I have mixed feelings. I know thicows seems weird  but to be honest, it seems so wrong to touch a cow’s udders. I remember once I was supposed milk a goat and I couldn’t do it, I kinda chickened out.

So stay tuned people. The next post should have an interesting video, and some good cheese… hopefully

Extra Extra… Read all about it….. amazing couple invents new cheese!!


Guess what wthe processe invented, a new cheese! So we had this awesome plan to make two cheeses tonight. The first was going to be a mozzarella, which went so horribly wrong we didnt even get to the gouda.

So if I had to describe the flavor of this new cheese I would say it kinda taste like a salty paper towel with the texture of a rubber tire. But the crackers were good (thanks for saving the day fire roasted tomato and olive oil triscuit.)salty towel cheese

We did use an online video for this first cheese instead of going by the recipes we purchased in our cheese making kit. The reason being that all the cheeses take over a month to cure and we wanted something we could try tonight. Also instead of using store bought milk were going to get some straight from the cow. If I can I will even milk the guy, should be fun.

Ahh such a dissapointing cheese, but Rome wasnt built in a day…… more to come soon.

Final Pictures of the quilt and……. it’s a new month and a new hobby..


IMG_1172Ok so we’re done with this here quilt. Woohoo! The back is stitched on, and she is already getting some good use, with this nice cold front we are having. I am proud of it, but I’m gonna guess that quilting will not be part of our future. There were some funny parts, but it was mostly just tedious and frustrating. Especially when it’s late and you have just made the wrong stitch for the thousandth time (seriously America you can’t invent an unsowing machine. I’m just sayin.) After making this quilt, my list is seeming a bit ambitious. Oh well too late now. Weeeee!IMG_1128

Ok so up next, and I’m actually very excited about this one……… cheese making. And don’t hate just cause you’re not a cheese lover. I love cheese. I really like blue cheese and brie. You may not know this, but you can’t actually get a true brie cheese in America. To make it right one has to violate certain pasteurization laws. So if I can figure this cheese making thing out fast enough I’m hoping to try a real brie. Whats a little E.coli or salmonella when you can have real brie.  Maybe we will invite some fellow cheese lovers to come join us one night. If I can find some, anyone? hello?……. am I alone…. ECHO… Echo.echo.

back at it ……


Martha Stewart we are not; but we haven’t done hard time, so we have that going for us. This thing is together. All the borders are done. All we have to do is attach the batting and put a back on this sucker.

So we started off looking at some patterns. In the end we realized, when you’re as awesome as we are, do you really need a pattern? I stand by this decision. Our stitches may not be straight, but let me ask you this: was this ever really about a quilt? Wasn’t it about us, and if us than a depiction of our love. I say love is messy…… its full of crooked stitches and bad cuts. This quilt is made with love….. and that my friend makes us the best quilters in the world. Yeah that sounds good…….

IMG_1109I guess I should show some pictures huh? well here it is the only thing missing in this picture is the border which my wife is stitching as I update this here blog. It looks pretty good for two people who have no clue what their doing. Next post should wrap up this quilting shindig. Good Riddance!!!

Quilting round 1, 2 and 3 …..


Quilting…  whose idea was this?  Has anyone ever tried to bring 3 kids into a fabric store? NEVER AGAIN I TELL YOU!!!!!!!  Seriously I know the were just trying to help, but their ideas were stupid, and it was late and I was tired from a long day. Hopefully they forgive me and the therapy bills arent too steep. But on a serious note, it was an annoying trip. First we were kinda dissapointed that we couldnt find the exact cloth we were looking for, but going for the indian quilty thing was a stretch and we knew that. All that being IMG_1086said, here is the amazing fabric we settled on. And it was no little descion mind you.

We started off very particular and then ended up so frustrated that we grabbed anything. Next post will include some shots of the actuall quit coming together…. P.S. Next time were making sheets 😛

And the first one is….(drum roll)….. Quilting


Surprisingly this was my idea not Tiff’s, I thought it might be so out of my comfort zone that something funny was to come from it. So its time to dust off my mad high school home Ec skill. Tiffany wants to do some Indian cloth inspired quilt. I just want to do something with some cool bright colors, so after some image searching we decided on something like this:


but with the following kinds of colors:

Ok so mental checkilist …. 1. Fabric 2…???…ummm… Now what else?

Might be calling grandma .

Tired of sitting around and watching tv with my spouse……


So we were sitting around one night bored trying to thinking of something fun to do. We decided instead of doing one thing we are going to try several things. So we setup some basic rule: 1. We try a new thing every month of 2013 2. We have to sit down at least once a week to do our activity 3. All the activities have to be done together.

We decided on 12 tasks which we will choose at our own convienance. here they are and in no particular order:

1. Quilting

2. training for and running a Marathon

3. Gardening

4. Video Gaming

5. Geo-Caching

6. Woodcarving – Were ganna make a duck for sheree’s pond:P

7. Cheese making

8. Cooking

9. Bird Watching

10. Dancing

11. learn about a new culture every week

12. Write and illustrate a children’s book

So that’s the idea, we will update everyone on the results. This should be entertaining…..